Resolutions of UNESCO 1954

Resolution of 1954

General Conference of Unesco. Eight session. Montevideo (Uruguay), 1954.

Resolution adopted on December 10th, 1954, in the eighteenth plenary-meeting.

IV.1.4.422 - The General Conference,
Having discussed the report of the Director-General on the international petition in favour of Esperanto (8C/PRG/3),

IV.1.4.4221 - Takes note of the results attained by Esperanto in the field of international intellectual relations and the rapprochement of the peoples of the world ;

IV.1.4.4222 - Recognizes that these results correspond with the aims ans ideals of Unesco ;

IV.1.4.4223 - Takes note that several Member States have announced their readiness to introduce or expand the teaching of Esperanto in their schoolsand higher educational establishments, and requests these Member States to keep the Director-General informed of the results attained in this field ;

IV.1.4.4224 - Authorizes the Director-General to follow current developments in the use of Esperanto in education, science and culture, and, to this end, to co-operate with the Universal Esperanto Association in matters concerning both organizations.


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